Construction cover letter

What do you put in it, and most importantly, how do you display it?

Use the perfect sample cover letter for your job application. Find the cover letter that suits you via the menu or the search function below: complete letters & free tips from real professionals!

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Most searched cover letters last 7 days: administrative assistant, sales assistant, cleaning assistant, store assistant, catering assistant, receptionist, nurse, shelf stacker , elementary school teacher, saleswoman, production assistant, childcare worker, social worker, financial worker, cashier

You are going to write a cover letter. But what about the structure of a cover letter? What do you put in it, and most importantly, how do you display it? Here we will help you get started outlining a good structure for your cover letter.

The Building Blocks

A good structure in your cover letter includes a few points. An introduction, a middle section and a conclusion.

First, think about what style you want to write a cover letter in. If you are applying to a formal organization, a different writing style is desired than if you are applying to a creative company. Adjust your writing style accordingly. Just make sure you don’t come across as overly hip or formal, especially if it doesn’t suit you.

Introduction to your cover letter

What do you put in the introduction of your cover letter? Briefly and concisely tell where you found the job posting. If you have been in contact by phone also mention this in the introduction. If all goes well, the reader remembers talking to you. Your cover letter is often read with more attention. Also, if you can come up with a nice opening line you will win attention.

The cover letters you can download from us are easy to customize. The opening sentence is crisp and clear. You can rewrite it yourself to give it a personal touch.

Writing Style

Make sure your cover letter is not too stiffly written; it should be easy to read. Write short sentences and don’t make the paragraphs too long. Read your sentences carefully and see if you can turn one long sentence, into two short ones. A long sentence is uncomfortable to read and can cause you to not come across clearly. The recipient then has to try doubly hard to understand what you want to make clear. This can cause your cover letter to be only half-read and end up in the “no” pile.


You continue the construction of your cover letter with the middle section. This is where your traits and skills come in. Describe them clearly so the reader can picture them. To do this, take several paragraphs. Rather than making lists, clearly state why you have experience with something.

You have already gained practical experience. Whether this was through an internship or during a previous job, it all counts. Therefore, to reflect your skills and attributes, use real-world experiences. Is the position managerial? Have you led before? Then describe this briefly and succinctly in one sentence.

Use phrases that indicate you have experience in what is asked for in the job posting. For example, “I have managed …” or “I work with Excel every day” or “I deal with customers in German every day.” You do not list your qualities, but give a practical example of your work and thus your skills.

You can also display your properties well this way. For example, being stress-resistant, or solution-oriented. For example:

“In all the hustle and bustle I always manage to keep my cool, I keep a good overview.”


“When a ‘problem’ arises, I am the one to whom colleagues turn. I think out of the box and see a challenge rather than a problem.”

What do you want to convey and how?

What do you want to make clear in your cover letter? Think of the person reading it. It is important to tell why you are a good fit for the position, and the position for you. What is your motivation to apply for this position? You know it, but make sure you convey it well.

Make sure your cover letter is smoothly written, and can be read that way. Do keep a professional tone in your cover letter. Read your cover letter out loud to yourself. Does the text roll out smoothly? Then you are on the right track. Do you have to think for yourself how to read out the sentences in your cover letter? Then you have to tinker here and there.

Of course, you can choose to download a cover letter. At least then the structure is well set out. If the letter doesn’t quite suit you, you can easily modify it without losing the structure of your cover letter.

What should definitely not be missing from your cover letter, and which is part of a good structure, is why the company appeals to you. What can you do for the company? Why are you the one they have to hire? You put your interests aside for a moment and show what you can do for the company.

Stay sharp, even at the end

The closing should also look to perfection. No matter how strong the rest of your letter is, the ending sticks. Therefore, pay due attention to this. It would be a shame if you skim the last part and therefore you don’t even get a chance to interview.

In the last piece, you give a clear “call to action” aweer. You would like to get an interview; you should always make this clear in your cover letter. Thank the reader for reading your letter, or suggest a cup of coffee to get acquainted. Show that you are enthusiastic and eager to interview.

And then the greeting. A “yours sincerely” still does well. But never end your cover letter with a “check you later” or “would love to hear from you.

AIDA Formula

When you have met all of these points you have successfully applied the AIDA formula. These include:

A – Attention

I – Interest

D – Desire

A – Action

You attract attention with a good opening sentence. Always keep to yourself, is nothing funny, creative or witty coming out of your pen? Do you doubt that you are not too “spontaneous”? No worries, then always play it safe. Your goal is to be invited and not to win the “cutest letter of the year award.

Generating interest is done by clearly and distinctly describing your skills and attributes. Promote yourself by indicating that you have what it takes to do this job well. The goal is for the reader to feel that you are an interesting candidate for the position.

You would like to spark the desire for the reader to invite you to interview. That you are a candidate they should definitely meet. You do this by properly reflecting your motivation for the position and your interest in the company.

Last, you want to motivate the reader to action, namely invite you to an interview.

Write it yourself or download it

You now have all the ingredients to write a good and strong cover letter. Do you keep having doubts about how to apply everything? Then it is advisable to download a cover letter on sample job You can customize the cover letter to suit you completely.