These are the most unusual jobs in hospitality

While looking for a new job, you sometimes come across the nicest outside opportunities. Are you tired of the regular hotel receptionist job, but want to try something different in hospitality? Then we have good news, because a number of companies have great job openings available.

Working in hospitality, here are your opportunities

So you have the chance to work as a hotel tester, similar to the mystery shopper at stores, but more fun. If you know everything about food and love creating beautiful dishes, you can also work as a food stylist. There are also jobs available that have less to do with hotels and more to do with hospitality. Because if you are good with people, then these jobs are really for you. About half a million people work in the hospitality industry, and you could be next.

Hotel tester

It’s a unique godsend in the hospitality world: becoming a hotel tester. Travel the world and stay at the most luxurious hotels in the world at the client’s expense. And you get paid for it, too. That’s what a hotel tester does. But note that you must be able to be quite critical. Thus, you have to rate the hotels according to different criteria. Consider, for example, the service, facilities such as plumbing, cleanliness and hospitality. It’s certainly a fun job for someone who visits hotels regularly and now wants to express his opinion about them on a professional level.


If food is your favorite subject, then the job as a food stylist is right up your alley. Everyone has a cookbook at home with beautiful pictures about interesting dishes. But when you put such a dish together yourself, it often looks a lot different than you thought beforehand. And that is exactly the point of a food stylist. In fact, a food stylist is the one who makes sure that all the food is set up beautifully in the photo. For example, you could be hired to film an advertisement for a new food product. Your job then is to lay out the food so that it looks nice and interesting. Because there are all kinds of tricks that the average viewer doesn’t realize. Bonus: as a food stylist, you will not only work in marketing, but you will get into the most exclusive and luxurious restaurants.

Employee of the (online) casino

Is cooking or being creative not for you and would you rather work with people? If you are a good game master, can oversee everything and have strong analytical skills, you can become an employee in the casino. Consider, for example, a croupier leading all the games. The idea is to ensure that a table game such as poker or blackjack can be played. In addition, you must be able to be very hospitable: arrange snacks and drinks for guests and make them feel comfortable. With a cover letter, you can prove that you have what it takes for this job. After all, you have to be able to sell well.

Throughout, you will ensure that all games run correctly and that the casino remains clean and tidy. Moreover, you are the one who congratulates the winners and pays out the money. If you prefer not to work in the real casino, then you can probably also join one of the online casinos. In fact, there are more and more online gambling companies seeking croupiers and other employees, especially for the live casino games. You will probably have to emigrate (temporarily) to a country like Cyprus or Malta to do so.

Oyster sommelier

Do you love oysters and want to give advice on them? Then you may decide to become an oyster sommelier. You read correctly, this profession really exists! A sommelier normally specializes in wines and advises visitors on which wine best suits the dish they are served. Your job as an oyster sommelier is pretty much the same: You have an advisory role in choosing oysters. Thus, you need to recommend the right oysters for a particular feeling or dish. You would say that an oyster is an oyster and it doesn’t matter otherwise. But appearances can be deceiving, as they all have a different taste, and with the right spices, oysters can also be tailored to a person’s taste. With that, this is a very special function.

Ice sculptor

SBS6’s television program “Ice Masters: a cold trick” is all about creating the most beautiful ice sculptures. Are you creative and do you dare to take a little risk while working to achieve the most beautiful results? Then you can work as an ice sculptor. You can then make ice sculptures, commissioned by clients. Think, for example, of a logo or letters. Or an animal, if the zoo is your client. Ice sculptors are constantly challenged to think creatively. They work on their sculptures in the cold sheds. You have to be able to handle the fact that your hard work is undone after a while, because ice will naturally melt again sometime.

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